MEKAR Series 3: Serdang Angels Hamdan Cup | Alumni Relations Centre
» ALUMNI PROGRAMMES » MEKAR » MEKAR Series 3: Serdang Angels Hamdan Cup

MEKAR Series 3: Serdang Angels Hamdan Cup

MEKAR has received the attention of Serdang Angels alumni to organize reunion activities among members of the group through the Hamdan Cup Angels Closed Touch Rugby Tournament. The name Piala Hamdan (Hamdan Cup) was taken in conjunction with a sign of memory and respect for the services and devotion of the late captain of the Serdang Angels team, the late Norsuhaimy Jamaluddin or better known as 'Hamdan'. Two devices were donated by Serdang Angels alumni through this reunion. The aid of this device is intended to help Serdang Angels students in need in improving the quality of their learning.


29 January 2022 (Saturday)
8.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Rugby Field B, UPM



Lensa IPT



Updated:: 13/10/2022 [syahidasyraaf]


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017