MEKAR Series 2: OKU Inclusive Campus Awareness Campaign | Alumni Relations Centre
» ALUMNI PROGRAMMES » MEKAR » MEKAR Series 2: OKU Inclusive Campus Awareness Campaign

MEKAR Series 2: OKU Inclusive Campus Awareness Campaign

As an effort to support the YH. Dato' Prof. Dr. Mohd. Roslan Sulaiman, Universiti Putra Malaysia Vice Chancellor to enforce UPM as 'Kampus Inklusif OKU' (Impairment Inclusive Campus), Alumni Relations Centre (ARCUPM) has MEKAR Series 2: Impairment Inclusive Campus Awareness Campaign which its objective to establish UPM Impairment Alumni Chapter and to celebrate their contribution towards university excellence over the year. In addition to that, this program is also seen as a continuous strategic collaboration phase between UPM impairment alumni and alma mater also as a celebration and empowerment of UPM impairment alumni toward university excellency in conjunction of the UPM 50 Years Golden Jubilee Celebration (1971-2021).


22 December 2021 (Wednesday)
4.00 PM
Mini Auditorium, Deputy Vice Cansellor (Research & Innovation) building, UPM






Updated:: 14/10/2022 [syahidasyraaf]


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017