MEKAR Series 8: Astaka Seni Alumni Chapter Launching Ceremony | Alumni Relations Centre
» ALUMNI PROGRAMMES » MEKAR » MEKAR Series 8: Astaka Seni Alumni Chapter Launching Ceremony

MEKAR Series 8: Astaka Seni Alumni Chapter Launching Ceremony

MEKAR Series 8 involves a reunion of UPM alumni who have been active in, participated in, and represented the university in cultural activities to gather and provide contributions in the form of expertise, finances and experience to cultural students, further establishing the Astaka Seni Alumni Chapter officially. The program this time took place successfully at the grounds of the Traditional House of the Malay Heritage Museum, Universiti Putra Malaysia. At the same time, this new chapter was also established with one goal, which is to channel help to repair the roof of the "Astaka Seni UPM".

3 June 2022 (Friday)
4.00 PM - 6.00 PM
Malay Heritage Museum Traditional House, UPM 






Updated:: 14/10/2022 [syahidasyraaf]


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017