MEKAR Series 13: Lebaran UPM Dulu-Dulu | Alumni Relations Centre
» ALUMNI PROGRAMMES » MEKAR » MEKAR Series 13: Lebaran UPM Dulu-Dulu

MEKAR Series 13: Lebaran UPM Dulu-Dulu

MEKAR Series 13: Lebaran UPM Dulu-dulu is a program in conjunction with the UPM Alumni Day Celebration on May 21, 2023, as proposed by Mr. Shahrudin Mahadi, a UPM alumni from the class of 1992, during the Bengkel Perancangan Tindakan 2023 at the UPM Alumni Relations Center held on December 8, 2022 (Thursday) at L'apprenti UPM. The idea for this event was sparked by the Administrator of the "UPM Dulu-dulu" Facebook Group to revive the spirit of returning to the alma mater among its members through an high tea gathering. Additionally, the concept of an open house in conjunction with Eid is also planned for the implementation of this event, in line with the celebration of Aidilfitri on the specified date. In support of the university's efforts to engage alumni for the university's sustainability, alumni will be exposed to the latest developments and progress of the university to further enhance their pride in being UPM alumni and encourage them to continue contributing to the advancement of their alma mater


20 Mei 2023 (Saturday)
3.00 PM -5.00 PM
Main Hall, Pusat Kebudayaan Dan Kesenian Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Universiti Putra Malaysia



Updated:: 25/12/2023 [syahidasyraaf]


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017