TMJ Scholarship Interview For Diploma 2021/2022 Running Well | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » TMJ Scholarship Interview for Diploma 2021/2022 Running Well

TMJ Scholarship Interview for Diploma 2021/2022 Running Well

By : Siti Nur`Ain Feisal

Editor : Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan 

SERDANG – Alumni Relations Centre has conducted an interview session for TMJ Scholarship candidates online through google meet on 8 March 2022. Seven candidates were invited for the interview session, and they were all from a B40 family who require financial assistance to complete their studies at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

Among the interviewers were Ismail Mahmad, TMJ Scholarship sponsor, Nasruddin Yahya, the representative from Academic Division, Abdullah Arshad, the representative for Deputy Vice Chancellor, Sharinah Muztaba, the representative from Bursar, and Fahmi Azar Mistar, Deputy Director of Alumni Relations Centre.

One will be selected among the seven candidates to be the recipient of the said scholarship. They will be receiving a scholarship of RM15,000.00 and their selection is based on marks given by the interviewer and the final selection is bound to the sponsor.

ARCUPM congratulates TMJ Scholarship recipient and utilize the scholarship given to attain success and will contribute back to alma mater.

Date of Input: 25/03/2022 | Updated: 07/04/2022 | suziana.wil


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