Song Of Putra Gemilang Journey To Carve A Thousand Memories | Alumni Relations Centre
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Song of Putra Gemilang Journey to Carve a Thousand Memories

By : Suziana Che Wil


"Putra Gemilang" is not just a song that is sung during the official ceremony and is not just a song that evokes the memory at the end of the convocation ceremony. Putra Gemilang is more than that, it tells of a life, a journey, thousands of sacrifices and certainly a memory engraved in the tower of knowledge of Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Inculcating memories not only to the students but also leaving a space for the journey of experience that is valuable enough to be remembered for the individuals who were also on the team that led to the creation of the sacred song Putra Gemilang.

The beautiful lyrical stanzas that stretch the roma and obscure the adrenaline of the spirit were written by Dharmawijaya, a lecturer at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication who is known for his poetic verses. Integrated with the production of songs by the famous composer of the homeland whose work is always fresh, Datuk Dr. Ahmad Nawab.

The opportunity to sit down to listen to the story at the beginning of the production of this song gives a different sense, in which the spirit of belonging and togetherness together carries the name of the University very deeply in both. Willing to go all over the recording studio to bring home the proud results of all UPM staff.

For Tuan Haji Mohd Aris Fadzilah Abdullah and Mr. Andry Sophian Adris, being the officer responsible for coordinating and leading the Putra Gemilang song making project provided a valuable experience throughout their career journey at UPM. Looking back on a moment almost 20 years ago, when recalled it's sweet and precious.


Putra Gemilang Dimensions of Excellence UPM Present

"Looking back on the early days of this production, it didn't take such a difficult journey. As I recall in 1996 or 1997, the then Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs, told me, he said to raise the spirit or dignity of the nation there are many ways. One of them is through sports and also through songs. He said that look at the song of ‘Negaraku”, when it comes to the hype, directly our souls seek strength, our spirit becomes blazing, the sense of unity and unity becomes strong. The same goes for the University. There needs to be a song that can lift spirits, attract memories, and make the soul of nan sublime always there. That's where I and my friends started this journey. I was in the Student Affairs Division, Career Unit and Rakan Muda," said Tuan Haji Aris.

He added that at that time there was already an old UPM song that was created and produced by Tuan Haji Mahmud, but the Deputy Vice-Chancellor at that time wanted a new rejuvenated song that brought the reflection and characteristics of UPM itself. In line with that time, the name UPM from University Pertanian Malaysia has just been changed to University Putra Malaysia. So significant to that, there is nothing wrong with UPM having a new official song that arouses the spirits of all its citizens.

"It just so happened that at that time, Datuk Dr. Ahmad Nawab had just received an Honorary Degree Award from the Faculty of Human Ecology (Honorary Master of Letters), so we wanted him to be the song creator of this new official song, while the lyrics were written by Kamaruzzaman Abdul Kadir or better known by his pen name Dharmawijaya, a poet, novelist and researcher of Malay literature, Malaysia. The combination of these two big names has greatly facilitated the work of the song Putra Gemilang, whose original title is Semarak Namamu but has been changed to Putra Gemilang," said Tuan Haji Aris.

Brother Andry, who is a person with close ties to the art world, continued to meet Datuk Dr. Ahmad Nawab to convey UPM's desire for his services in songwriting. After the lyrics from Dharmawijaya were successfully completed, they were brought to Datuk Dr. Ahmad Nawab.

"When he saw the bytes of the verse and the appropriate words to be used as a song, he agreed. Our journey is simplified. From March 2001 to April 2002, the song Putra Gemilang completed its full production." Mr. Andy said.

Using three studios from the voice recording, voice mix, and final recording process, and most special when the song is also available using the voice services of the country's singer, Allahyarhamah Adibah Noor. But even sweeter were the experiences and sweet moments for the students of the Music Department at that time about 10 people were involved in the song making and the choir.

"The more valuable experience is to these students. Having the opportunity to work with great composers and sing songs that became UPM's official songs is truly an experience that is remembered until the end of life." Mr. Andy said.

Personally, both Mr. Andry and Tuan Haji Aris, when the Putra Gemilang song, was first sung at the UPM Convocation Ceremony in 2002, feelings were mixed at the time.

"There is nothing I can feel but gratitude and pride. Listening to that song took me on a journey of making it. Imagine in the room the eyes of every face and a second of his income. There is nothing to say but taste, Son of Gemilang, my journey is together." Said Mr. Haji Aris.

No exception for Mr. Andry, when he first heard the song what he felt was, it was his contribution to UPM, and the memories will continue to be engraved there until some time comes for him to retire.

"We conclude, this is one of our contributions to UPM. Together involved in its creation, we consider it a journey of quoting knowledge, and every piece of knowledge we get is not for us to brag but to continue to humble. Live every verse of the song's lyrics, it is a reflect UPM today," – concluded Tuan Haji Aris and Mr. Andry







Universiti Putra Malaysia

Gedung ilmu menara budi

Disinilah berhimpun warga siswa

Menjunjung amanat BERILMU BERBAKTI


Teguh setia mengisi harapan

Insan bertaqwa penunjang peribadi

Berpadu tenaga mencapai kejayaan

Sehati sejiwa berhemah tinggi


Universiti Putra Malaysia

Pembina wawasan gemilang

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Pembentuk siswa cemerlang


Semarak namamu di sinar zaman

Semerbak namamu di suara sanjungan

Penyumbang bakti ke anak bangsa

Pewaris sejati negara tercinta


Di damai desa di permai kota

Tersemat citramu semegah kenangan

Di darjat bangsa di daulat negara

Tersurat jasamu menjana kemajuan


Lirik : Dharmawijaya

Lagu : Datuk  Dr. Ahmad Nawab

Date of Input: 31/05/2022 | Updated: 28/03/2023 | suziana.wil


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