Meet And Greet With UPM Alumni Gives Value Added Alumni Scholarship Funding | Alumni Relations Centre
» ARTICLE » Meet and Greet With UPM Alumni Gives Value Added Alumni Scholarship Funding

Meet and Greet With UPM Alumni Gives Value Added Alumni Scholarship Funding

By: Syafiq Hariz Mohd Hanafiah; Muhamad Fudhayl Omar

Editor: Nik Hafzaini Nik Hassan


Following the good development of the Alumni Scholarship funding, a meeting was organised with alumni who are current sponsors and prospective scholarship sponsors from various alumni classes including Tuan Haji Mat Amin bin Jaafar, Director of Amco Niaga Sdn Bhd; Puan Suhana binti Md Chairi, Chairman of Chapter Cyperus 92; Encik Mohd Isnain bin Ali, Representative of the Entrepreneurship Club; Encik Shahrudin bin Mahadi, Third College alumni representative; Tuan Haji Mohd Haris Fadzilah Abdullah, Chairman of the Salak Welfare Organisation and Encik Mohd Ridzwan bin Mansor, Representative of the Cultural Club (QKB). 

The meeting aims to introduce new scholarship projects with group sponsorship initiatives and target either full scholarship funding, fee sponsorship or self-sufficiency sponsorship in an effort to open up opportunities for as many alumni as possible to contribute back to the alma mater. This meeting follows the success of the Amco Niaga scholarship and Chapter Cyperus 92 scholarship as it has successfully funded scholarships to UPM students.

In addition, the objective of this meeting is to encourage alumni to return to UPM and assist the students through the awarding of scholarships which will certainly boost the students' morale to continue their study sessions. Following this meeting, ARCUPM has successfully secured three (3) new scholarship funding at the Diploma and Bachelor level.  At this meeting, Tuan Haji Mat Amin bin Jaafar, one of the pioneers/sponsors of this scholarship program also invited alumni to serve Alma Mater. This meeting was seen as an opportunity for the alumni to contribute back to the alma mater through the awarding of scholarships to UPM students.



Date of Input: 31/08/2021 | Updated: 13/10/2022 | hafzaini


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