Dr Syed Omar Syed Rastan, An Exemplary Fertilizer Manufacturer | Alumni Relations Centre
» ARTICLE » Dr Syed Omar Syed Rastan, An Exemplary Fertilizer Manufacturer

Dr Syed Omar Syed Rastan, An Exemplary Fertilizer Manufacturer

One of the successful Bumiputra entrepreneurs in fertilizer business in Malaysia is Dr Syed Omar Syed Rastan. Dr Syed Omar with his brother (Dato’ Syed Osman Syed Rastan) started a company to produce fertilizers in 1998. The name of the company was Diversatech Fertilizer Sdn Bhd, henceforth referred to as Diversatech Fertilizer. As the name suggests, the company is involved in manufacturing and sale of many kinds of fertilizers that are used to enhance and sustain agricultural production in Malaysia or even abroad. 

For more reading can click on the link https://alumni.upm.edu.my/serdang_sun/volume_13_isu_22-13854

Date of Input: 31/07/2022 | Updated: 28/03/2023 | suziana.wil


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