Musaadah Ramadan: Tautan Mahabbah 2017 | Alumni Relations Centre
» ALUMNI PROGRAMMES » Musaadah Ramadan: Tautan Mahabbah » Musaadah Ramadan: Tautan Mahabbah 2017

Musaadah Ramadan: Tautan Mahabbah 2017

The Alumni Centre in collaboration with the University Islamic Centre and UPM Alumni Association has organized Tautan Mahabbah (Thanksgiving Ceremony) as one of the programs to commemorate the annual celebration of UPM Alumni day on 21st of May. A talk by the Founder of Ummah Taha (Dr. Taha bin Mohd Omar) entitled "IHSAN: Pillars of Excellence" was highlighted, then followed by Doa Selamat and Tahlil. On that night, donations were also given to orphans from Rumah Pengasih Warga Prihatin, Kajang, Baitul Ulfah Center, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, and students in need.

Updated:: 13/10/2022 [syahidasyraaf]


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017