30 July - 1 August 2018: TRACE Korporat VI @Bridges-Link Sarawak | Alumni Relations Centre
» NEWS » 30 July - 1 August 2018: TRACE Korporat VI @Bridges-Link Sarawak

30 July - 1 August 2018: TRACE Korporat VI @Bridges-Link Sarawak


SERDANG, 30 July – 1 August 2018 – UPM Alumni Centre continues the calendar of alumni activities 2018 with TRACE Korporat VI @Bridges-Link Sarawak. It's 3-day programme typically leverages alumni networks to maintain a long-lasting relationship, exchanges expertise and also delivers the message on the importance of alumni to support UPM’s Putra Global 200 which is the aspiration to be ranked in the top 200 of World Universities Ranking by the year 2020.

The programme achieved its objective to meet UPM alumni who are currently working in Kuching, Sarawak in order to share UPM’s recent development as well as to obtain feedback from them. ACUPM also provided the alumni with updated information on its activities. There were 5 organisations, namely, Pejabat RISDA Negeri Sarawak, Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak, FELCRA Berhad Wilayah Sarawak , Politeknik Kuching Sarawak and Lembaga Lada Malaysia took part in this programme. Through this programme, ACUPM has managed to update personal details of 140 alumni.


In conjunction with the TRACE Korporat VI @Bridges-Link Sarawak, ACUPM also organised Malam Mesra Alumni UPM at the Palace Hotel & Suites, Kuching, Sarawak with the participation of 25 UPM alumni. Alumni Centre would like to thank UPM Alumni Sarawak for their support of this programme and thus preserving the corporate partnership between alumni-alma mater. Furthermore, we are grateful for alumni's kindness and generosity in achieving Tabung Sumbangan Kebajikan Pelajar RM10 juta in providing financial assistance to the UPM needy students.

Date of Input: 14/08/2018 | Updated: 16/08/2018 | hafzaini


Alumni Relations Centre
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+6039769 1017